Treat Others the Same Way You Want to be Treated

“And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.”

Luke 6: 31 NKJV

I was reviewing something I had highlighted in my Bible, and I read this. And then I read it again. We all pretty much know this verse from the Bible, but do we live by it? I know I sure don’t. As I thought about what this verse is saying, I immediately applied it to my marriage. And I began to think about what that verse would look like in my actions towards my husband? Okay… I’m thinking… So I began to think about how I want him to treat me or “do unto me”?

I came up with this list of things or actions:

I want him to …

1.     Be thoughtful and kind

2.     Be romantic and look sexy to me (yes!)

3.     Go walking with me even if he doesn’t feel like it

4.     Talk to me about what’s on his heart for our future or for his

5.     Pay attention to me when I’m in his presence

6.     Give me compliments to let me know he appreciates me or thinks I look nice

Well, now since I need to “do likewise unto him”, let’s see if I’m doing these things also?

1.     Am I being thoughtful and kind?

2.     Am I looking sexy and being romantic towards him?

3.     Am I going with him when he asks me to – even when I’d rather not?

4.     Am I sharing what’s on my heart for our future together?

5.     Am I giving him my full attention when I am with him ?

6.     Am I giving him praise and compliments?

Okay, this was an enlightening exercise! I would honestly have to say: Yes, I’ve definitely done all of these things in the past. But am I being consistent? Wow! I better get busy working on this list…

Think about it: Make a list like I did of how you would like to be treated – by your husband if you’re married. If not,  by a girlfriend, or family member. Next, go item by item, and ask yourself whether or not you are doing these actions towards them as well. If you are, then great! I’m sure God is pleased. If there’s room for improvement, then choose one and begin to work on giving that action to your hubby, or person you chose.

Lean in: Continue to work on any other actions you may be lacking later on this week! Have fun with it! Write about how you’re doing in your journal and keep track of your progress.


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